Kokoro Mollitia – A FND Wellbeing Program

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Kokoro Mollitia – A FND Wellbeing Program


In 2023, we were fortunate enough to receive funding, from the then NSW Minister for Mental Health, the Hon Bronnie Taylor to pilot the 12-week FND education and wellbeing program Kokoro Mollitia Program.


Program Evaluation

This program was run in 2023 and evaluated. The evaluation outcomes were presented at the RANZCP FND Symposium in Nov 2023.

Outcomes demonstrated the value of the program in supporting people’s understanding of FND

  • [Facilitator’s] assimilation of the scientific material is so valuable; it makes information accessible that was not before.
  • [Facilitator’s] explanations of the material are key to understanding it [GP1M12]
  • For people who do not come from medical background, this course will help them to understand what is happening to their body [M5]
  • We were all so engaged and gained an immense amount of information; I never would have imagined all this knowledge about FND existed! It was provided in a layout and communicated in ways that every participant could understand and, importantly, we were all provided time and opportunity to ask questions or raise something that came to us relevant to that session’s topics.
  • Easier for people to get a quick understanding of detailed explanations that the doctors don’t have time to explain. [C]

The Kokoro Mollitia Program provided information that helped people to make sense of their condition:

  • MAKING SENSE OF THE CONDITION: I had barely had any access to info about FND and noone to ask questions of, so to finally be able to make sense of it has been so so awesome!
  • Learning about the neuroscience behind FND has been so helpful and interesting. The condition is not widely understood and many of us have experienced earlier incorrect diagnoses, or been treated as if we are faking for attention. Seeing the science behind why our brains behave like this has been really helpful in accepting and healing.[M7]
  • Provides non medically trained people understanding of the mechanisms and effects of FND, the pathways towards support and a feeling of I am not alone. Especially the understanding that this is NOT ALL IN MY HEAD.

People valued the accessibility of the program, being online.

  • Being online means it’s easy to attend and I can re-watch a few times to digest the information.

They valued the opportunity to involve their loved ones [if relevant]

  • As the carer my learning experience and the ability to ask questions of the course presenters and other participants gives me the increased knowledge and confidence to assist him manage his disease   ….. I  can take out the nuggets I know he needs …it means he’s much more confident in my management of his FND with the extra education I am receiving.

and the connection with others with lived experience in the group.

  • I couldn’t believe that I was meeting people who presented with the exact same symptoms as me. …… presenting identically proved to me that what we have is real. It made me feel so validated.
  • Absolutely loved it and felt part of a community. It helped me to not feel so alone. [C]
  • We find support in our stories, and more support in this program.
  • Very positive and supportive to both persons with FND and carers and to provide a safe environment to be able to share and voice their thoughts and concerns.

Next Intake:

Kokoro Mollitia will be run again in the second half of 2025.  To register interest in joining the next round, please complete the self – referral form at –


For further information, please contact info@fndaus.org.au.


For further information about the program and to access the program outline – see



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